We wander therefore we are ... We wonder!


SFO visit

This was an official visit to Belmont near San Francisco for 10 days. No site seeing this time.
Travelled by Singapore Airlines this time. The service is better than Delta. These airlines people do not give enough information about connecting flights and gates where boarding will be

Had a 8 hours lay over in Singapore while coming back in the middle of the night! The entire airport was asleep. Nothing at all to do. The shops were closed too. I did not know about the lounges on the upper storey. I was feeling a bit lazy to go explore. The chairs in the video lounge were extremely uncomfortable!
Now days I carry chivada packages while travelling. Chivada is a good snack tho a little messy to eat. You do not get bored of it.
I met Roshan on my flight to SF. She is sweet old Parasi lady who was visiting US for the first time and alone. So she was majorly lost. She caught hold of me and I was her blind dog for the trip.
I had met Padma some 3 - 4 years back on such a trip who would go out of her way to help such uncles and aunties. She said, "I would like to think that somebody would help my parents when they are travelling!" Such a beutiful thought.
These 25 - 30 hour long journeys are such a drag! but I clocked some 7 odd movies!

I travelled on CalTrain number of times during this visit. I like the independance it gives. CalTrain has a train every hour, which is really a poor frequency. I like German metros better for their cleanlyness and Paris Metros for the network and livelyness.

I talked to number of software managers during this visit. Due to the outsourcing catching on majorly, having to attend telephone calls in the night has become a routine thing for all of them. Also due to the petrol price hikes more people were thinking of commuting.
It is interesting to see these kinds of paterns emerging.

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